Frankie Weiss and Her Magic

Chapter Six: Frankie Writes...

In my use of the toothpick, it fell from my hand and landed before Frankie’s face. Frankie suddenly invented a new game. She’d use her lips to pickup the toothpick, drop it, and then move it around with her right paw. She did this over and over; finally tiring of her new game she let it lay on the floor tile block. Johnnie thought it was her turn to try the new game Frankie had just invented. As she moved it around with her left front paw, what happened next, was one for the books.

Frankie, quick as a flash, raised her right paw and slapped Johnnie across the left side of her face, in her mind, she was asserting her dominion. Johnnie had no business in playing with her toy, the toothpick.

I was flabbergasted at Frankie’s action and at the same time could not stop laughing at what I had just seen transpire. Poor Johnnie immediately stopped her play with the toothpick. After all, she was only second fiddle.

The temper and this display of action by Frankie was another step in my cat education in living with these delightful and four legged bundles of fur to always expect the unexpected.

My adopted “children” Frankie and Johnnie continue to this day to amaze their loving keeper, Mr. Mom.

And that's the story as written by Mr. Mom. But, what he did not know, later, I felt guilty for what I’d done to Johnnie, in our personal cat language, I apologized. She accepted my apology and we began to groom each other’s fur. Mr. Mom still has much to learn about our feline behavior.

I must relate the following incident in my own words before Mr. Mom adds it to his stories about living with his cats. I was the main participant in this story, but it was his fault he left the door open. (I still think he forgot to remember about this escapade.)

Somewhere in this “Magic” story Mr. Mom mentioned he fixes and collects old watches and clocks. He also belongs to a club that has about six meetings a year, they display their goodies, buy, sell and trade up to a certain hour, then they all have a lunch prepared by the hotel where the shows are held. Anyhow, some years ago, while loading his merchandise into the trunk of his car, he left the ground door open.

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