Frankie Weiss and Her Magic

Chapter Six: Frankie Writes...

What’s a cat supposed to do? Especially a cat as smart and curious as me, I ran out to the side lawn of our neighbor’s house. Mr. Mom tried to catch me, fat chance, I’m too fast for him. He called to me but I was more than happy for the opportunity to get out of the house and do some exploring on our back lawns. In another story he may have told you about the birds, squirrels and rabbits that live in that area.

I put Mr. Mom in a position where he had to take a chance and leave me be on my own for the next six hours, he had time restraints and had to leave to drive to where the show was held. If I’d known he’d be gone for that length of time, I would have never run away causing him worrisome misgivings in letting me stay outside till he came home.

Even though I was on my own for the next six hours or so, I must admit I had a good time running all over our neighbor’s side and back lawns. The only trouble was I did not realize I’d get hungry and would not eat until Mr. Mom came home from his show. I was sitting on our next-door neighbor’s steps, his name is John, but he likes to be called Jack. Anyway, he called to me and wanted to pet me, I thought he wanted to capture and hold me until my Mr. Mom returned, nothing doing, I ran away.

The hours I spent on my own, reliving a part of my very young life, as a four month old was pretty good. I chased birds, but could never catch any; besides what would I do if I caught one? Being toothless, I could not kill and eat one even though I was hungry. The few rabbits I saw kept their distance, I was never close enough to cause any trouble to them. Besides, they had underground escape routes too small for me to get into.

The squirrels I saw were the best high wire walkers in the world. They’d walk from a tree strung with wires next to our house, to the corner house. In fact, they almost ran that distance, that’s how good they were. Never making a false step.

No one can ever tell me that nature does not provide for the animals in its care. Birds, rabbits, squirrels all have their built-in defense mechanisms, just as do all the animals that inhabit this world. I’d like to think the only exception to self-preservation is mother love. Even that is part of nature’s scheme in dealing with the animals it puts on this green earth. I’m inclined to say, “Mother love” is the world’s greatest incentive.

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